Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to visit Hanuman Temple at Connaught Place after being released on bail. He will also hold a press conference at the Aam Aadmi Party office and participate in a road show in South Delhi later today.
Delhi police issued a special traffic advisory for the today that will remain effective from 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
The Delhi traffic advisory stated, due to special traffic arrangements on 11.05.2024, movement of general traffic will be regulated on the following roads and junctions from 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
• Entire Kalka Dass Marg
• Aurobindo Marg T.B. Hospital to MCD Park Roundabout Qutab Minar
• Internal Roads around SDM Office Mehrauli, Police Station Mehrauli
• Anuvrat Marg from T.B. Hospital to Andheria Mor Commuters are requested to cooperate by avoiding/bypassing the above-mentioned roads, if possible, and by making maximum use of public transport, especially Metro services.
Further, general public is advised to keep sufficient time at hand while planning road journey via the above-mentioned roads and junctions.