The Nitish Kumar government faces backlash after the fifth bridge in Bihar collapsed within nine days, prompting Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Tejashwi Yadav to criticize the administration. The latest incident involved a bridge over the Bhootahi River between Madhubani and Supaul. Yadav highlighted the issue on social media, questioning the government’s accountability.
Bridge Collapse Details
The collapsed bridge on the Bhootahi River, under construction for over two years, was reported from the Bheja police station area in Madhubani district. Officials from the Rural Works Department confirmed that one of the pillars had been washed away a few days before the collapse. The 75-meter-long bridge, estimated to cost ₹3 crore, was designed to cross the river swollen due to heavy rains in Nepal’s catchment areas. The district administration is investigating the incident, and the contractor has been directed to repair the structure immediately.
Series of Bridge Collapses in Bihar
Kishanganj Incident
On June 26, a portion of a 13-year-old bridge in Bihar’s Kishanganj collapsed, isolating 40,000 people in several villages. This marked the fourth such incident in Bihar within a week. The 70-meter-long and 12-meter-wide bridge, built under the Mukhyamantri Gram Sadak Yojana in 2011 at a cost of ₹25 lakh, caved in due to floodwaters from heavy rainfall.
West Champaran Incident
On June 23, a section of an under-construction bridge in West Champaran district, being built under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana, collapsed just hours after concrete casting.
Siwan Incident
On June 22, a small bridge over a rivulet of the Gandak River in Maharaganj block of Siwan district caved in due to a sudden water flow.
Tejashwi Yadav shared a video on his X (formerly Twitter) account regarding the collapse of the bridge on the Bhootahi River, saying, “This is the 5th bridge to collapse in Bihar within 9 days. A bridge under construction for years on the Bhootahi River between Madhubani-Supaul collapsed. Did you find out? If not, why? Try to find out? #Bihar #Bridge.” The video has gone viral on social media, sparking widespread concern about the state’s infrastructure quality and the administration’s oversight capabilities.
Urgent Need for Infrastructure Management
The series of bridge collapses in Bihar highlights the urgent need for better infrastructure management and accountability. With frequent incidents causing significant disruptions and safety concerns, the state government faces increasing pressure to address construction standards, maintenance practices, and overall infrastructure planning to prevent future collapses.
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Collapsing bridges have become very common in Bihar