Sudha Murti, a prominent figure and acclaimed writer, has been sworn in as a Member of Parliament (MP) for the Rajya Sabha representing the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The oath-taking ceremony took place today at the Parliament House, where Sudha Murti pledged her commitment to serve the nation diligently.
Known for her contributions to literature and social welfare, Sudha Murti brings a wealth of experience and insight to her new role in the Rajya Sabha. As the wife of renowned industrialist and philanthropist, N.R. Narayana Murthy, she has been actively involved in various charitable initiatives and literary endeavors.
Her appointment as a Rajya Sabha MP underscores the BJP’s commitment to promoting diverse voices and perspectives in Indian politics. Sudha Murti’s presence in the upper house of Parliament is expected to enrich discussions on literature, social development, and women’s empowerment.
The oath-taking ceremony was conducted in the esteemed presence of Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, highlighting the significance of this momentous occasion. As Sudha Murti embarks on her parliamentary journey, she is poised to make meaningful contributions to the legislative process and uphold the values of democracy and public service.”
Very informative news