In a significant development, the former head of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence ISI Chief Faiz Hameed, has been arrested by the country’s army. According to reports from Reuters, the military has also initiated court martial proceedings against him, marking a rare instance of a high-ranking official being subjected to such disciplinary actions.
The arrest comes in the wake of an order from the Supreme Court of Pakistan, which is connected to a land development case and multiple alleged violations of the Pakistan Army Act following his retirement. The military’s media wing, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), confirmed the news in a statement.
“Complying with the orders of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, a detailed court of inquiry was undertaken by the Pakistan Army to ascertain the correctness of complaints in the Top City Case made against Lt Gen Faiz Hameed (Retd),” the ISPR stated. The statement further mentioned, “Consequently, appropriate disciplinary action has been initiated against Lt Gen Faiz Hameed (Retd), under provisions of the Pakistan Army Act.”
Lt. Gen. Faiz Hameed’s arrest follows months of scrutiny, with an inquiry committee reportedly being formed in April to investigate allegations of misuse of authority during his tenure as the head of ISI. His downfall is particularly notable given his prominent role in the military and the political landscape of Pakistan.
This case underscores the ongoing tension within Pakistan’s military establishment, especially concerning the accountability of its top officers. The arrest and court martial proceedings against a figure as influential as Lt. Gen. Faiz Hameed signal a shift towards greater transparency and adherence to legal processes, even at the highest levels of the military. The outcome of this case could have significant implications for the military’s image and its relationship with the civilian government in Pakistan.